Izza Loves Eliot

Friday, January 12, 2007

WOW! Lots of messages

From Cheryl Cyert (one of our high school math teachers)
To all the McGinleys--
You are in our thoughts and prayers here at MHS. I know your faith and each other will help you this.

Cheryl Cyert

all the members of these churches are praying for you:
fr. pat's on-line ministry
st. patrick's parish in mauston
bethany lutheran in mauston
Darcy's church
Doreen's church
mcminville oregon

A long-lost friend, Katie Crowley, is praying for you and has a happy story:

My cousin Jordan Wilke had leukemia when he was about the same age. It was tough, scary, sad and every emotion in between. He is now a happy, healthy 20 year old man in college and doing great!! Lots and lots of prayers….I ‘ll keep them going!

And from Jordan's mom:

I have been thinking of Eliot and your family since I heard the news about his illness. You know he has the same type of Leukemia that our son Jordan(now twenty!!) had. Jordan had just turned 3 when he was diagnosed. Just reading the things on the web sites, makes all those memories come back for me. I know he will do as well as Jordan, because the younger they are when they are diagnosed, the better the cure. Jordan has never come out of remission since he first when into remission after about 3 weeks of treatments. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Patty Wilke


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